If 2020 hasn't changed you, nothing ever will!

On the last day of this year as I reflect on the year gone by, I feel a deep sense of realization and awareness of new perspectives I have developed. I am sure this year made each one of us to take a pause, step back and try make some sense out of this whole unpredictable event that happened. I think personally this year made me more aware of lot of different things, just adding some of them below. Do share what were your deepest realizations! YOUR PRIVILEDGE : We are a lot more privileged than many others and that thought made me thank my stars many times and also feel guilty when I saw many others getting deeply impacted by what 2020 brought for them. FAMILY IS THE ROCK : Family is what keeps you going. When entire world and all external relations were shut for us, we all realized the value of near and dear ones and also how much important it is to have harmonious relationships with people who live under one roof. Family and relations are the foundation that k...