If 2020 hasn't changed you, nothing ever will!


On the last day of this year as I reflect on the year gone by, I feel a deep sense of realization and awareness of new perspectives I have developed. I am sure this year made each one of us to take a pause, step back and try make some sense out of this whole unpredictable event that happened.

I think personally this year made me more aware of lot of different things, just adding some of them below. Do share what were your deepest realizations!

YOUR PRIVILEDGE : We are a lot more privileged than many others and that thought made me thank my stars many times and also feel guilty when I saw many others getting deeply impacted by what 2020 brought for them.

FAMILY IS THE ROCK: Family is what keeps you going. When entire world and all external relations were shut for us, we all realized the value of near and dear ones and also how much important it is to have harmonious relationships with people who live under one roof. Family and relations are the foundation that kept us grounded and sane. Feeling of being close to loved ones made us realize how tough it is for people who are far away from their loved ones.

OVERCOMPLICATED AND INDULGED LIVES : Many of us have overcomplicated our lives with so much clutter and indulgence. When all external options were closed and we were left to entertain ourselves we realized how unnecessary those things were to a great extent and how simple life can make things less stressful and enjoyable.

HABITS KEEP YOU GOING: In absence of external stimulus to keep us on time like catching kid’s bus in morning or reaching office on time, we all realized that self discipline and habits is what would keep us sane. We all became more independent and developed habits to stay with us for life time.

WE ARE POWERLESS : To an extend it was proved that no matter how much we as humans think we have control or power, a strike of nature can render us helpless. A VIRUS crippled the planet and NATURE is far more powerful thank we know and believe.

I am sure each one of us at some point during these last many months would have taken some time to take a pause and realize what a different time we are all passing through. Each one of us somewhere is in a dilemma thinking if our world would ever be same again. We all are a bit surprised, bit anxious and bit more wiser than we had ever been in our life.

This for sure is what is termed as a “BLACK SWAN” event and  if this year hasn’t made you sit back and think , if this year hasn’t changed some part in you then NOTHING EVER WILL!


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