Tim Tales

Best of our conversations comes out mostly when I am driving with Tim, it's either on ferrying him to classes or picking him from school or going to parties. So this was about a month back while on way to drums class and then way back:
Drive to class: 
So mumma in me preaching about how Tim can excel in things he is learning by doing them with full concentration and focus.
Me : So Ishaan ( name I call when we have a grown up talk), I think if you focus and try to be fully in the moment you can get much more out of different things you do ..be it soccer, drums, robotics or even playing. 

Tim ( little annoyed ) : I know mumma, but  "I am doing the best I can"

Me ( displaying customary parental " we know it a''" tone) : Yes Ishaan, but you know we never reach our best. Our best is always yet to come and more we try and put in effort we amaze ourselves by how we can keep outdoing our best.

Tim : Hmmmm... ok ok

Drive back from class:
On way back I promised that we will take butta ( corn) from vendor we saw on our way.Somehow the day was not going very emotionally nice for me ( pre menstrual wreak or whatever). Ok so coming back , so while on way the corn vendor was not where to be found and Tim got very irritated, demanding I stop and buy something ( read junk, as he saw all chips vendors etc) for him. 
Tim : Mom, you got to buy something for me, you promised and now you are not.

Me : Yes Ishaan, but now that vendor is not there I can't help. Corn was good, but I don;t want to stuff you with any junk. 

Tim: No no...shouting.. bla bla.. 

Now given my own emotional state, I just got overwhelmed with emotions and started little sobbing!

Me: Oh no Ishaan, I don't understand why you are behaving like this. What ever I do no one is happy with me..neither you, not your dad...I don't know what else should I do ( sob sob) .I am doing the best I can!!

Tim ( Sensing that the situation is now going in wrong direction, taking a pause and looking at me) : But you know mumma.. we can we never reach our best. Our best is always yet to come and more we try and put in effort we amaze ourselves by how we can keep outdoing our best.

This brought an instant smile on my face...."Meri billi mujhi ko miau". Smile due to many realizations I had in that moment:
- That even while my child is mad, he still cares for me and can't see me in distress.He is empathetic and that's a real great virtue.
- That even though we keep thinking they are not learning and listening.. they are doing it all the time
- That he is a smart kid and I need not worry :)

Love you Tim!


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