My Short Success Story - Women's day competition

Today there was a competition to send  entries for "Share your sucess story" for women's week being celebrated in office.Since I had some spare time so sent below few words....

I always felt it’s unfair to men when women get this special treatment and all the admiration for being able to manage work and family until I became a mother or to be more specific a "working mom" myself. That’s when I realized that all challenges till now were nothing like this responsibility to nurture a new life and be committed to your job responsibilities at same time.

I don't think drivers to perform best at work for women are any different than that for men, so at work what drives me to give my best are my goals in life and the satisfaction and sense of achievement that comes with a job well done.

Yes you do need support of people and for me it’s my family who have been there to support me and share my responsibilities, my colleagues who showed trust in my work and ownership and provided flexibility and choice.

Work life balance is an ongoing task and I think yes I have been doing well. Although there are highs and lows but yes with personal discipline and time management you can achieve it.

Nature chose women for additional abilities and with strength that comes to them from pain, patience and persistence they surprise not only others but themselves also sometimes!


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