What a child can teach you

From the day a child is born in family everyone right from parents to elders get into a mission to teach and guide the baby.No one can deny the fact that love, time and patience that we put in to help our baby learn right from first smile till being able to hold neck independently, eat and take first steps.Every first of baby be it first steps, first words, first letters, recognition of colours etc etc is an assurance and achievement for parents.
But have we ever thought of what can we learn from kids while we are basking the glory of achievements of our child.There is a lot to learn or I should say re learn qualities that we were born with and lost with time.As the Brahamkumaris right put it "Be like a child".
So here is list of teachings that my Timmu has to offer:
1. Smile, Laugh, Shout , Cry.. don't hold emotions
2. Always keep your self busy
3. Take power naps and refresh when not doing anything.
4. Always be ready to experiment with new things.Learn! Learn! Learn!
5. Find happiness in little things
6. Learn some patience - Nagging or lectures won't work with me..Please see from others (my) point of view and appreciate my choice.
7. Forget and forgive - Even if you nagged me I don't hold the grudge too long, I will give you my love instantly
8. Appreciate others efforts - How I give you my love the moment you make me happy

And the list goes on and on. So next time when you are busy figuring out and reading articles on what can you do to train and teach your child pay attention to what can be learnt from him and if you apply few of them you would see a happy you!


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