Thank you Mom

It's been more then three months and I think I am already very late to pen down this remarkable development in my Life.Yes it is..the idea to get back to college might not have been revolutionary when I perceived it but when it came to implementation I did realize its a huge decision for a working women with a toddler and not staying in a joint family set up to think of taking up regular college that requires you to stay in hostel away from your home.Lucky me that god blessed me with one person who is always there to support in all my rational and irrational decisions, trusting my capabilities beyond my own faith and that's my MOTHER.So here she was again supporting me again nth time to go ahead while she would take care of my baby full time and so am I here 3 months into this regular MBA course aspiring to become a post graduate hopefully at end of it :)
Thanks mom.. you are my heroine!!!


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