What should I do with your CRM programs??

Almost 9 months into my MBA it is my moral obligation to post something on my learning( if any) till now...No No.. I am not surrendering to this obligation but just putting across a thought after reading all stuff that shouts out aloud about importance of customer relationship programs (yes I have just been through a CRM exam paper today, so may be this is an after effect).
Marketers today are focusing on retaining and nurturing most profitable customers, launching targeted campaigns and trying to create segments and micro segment customers.Guys! I don't deny your forward looking efforts and the potential that such programs have but my recent experiences have not been too encouraging.I am not worthy to comment on all industries but this is specifically with context to multi-branded fashion retailers in India.
If I look at myself, I am a customer and member of many loyalty programs and few ones I value most in this segment are shoppers stop, central, pantaloons and life style.These were close to my heart like any other girl's, since clothes and shoes are fast moving consumer products for us.But last few years I have always been deeply disappointed by the variety, quality and spread of brands that these outlets have to offer.Every time I go I struggle to find quality labels, variety, sizes.The quality of designs are worse than what used to be even 3 years back.May be these outlets are favoring high margin generating labels at the cost of displaying over priced, substandard and ordinary designs... I don't know!
My only question is why so much noise and effort around customer relationships when the basic preposition of quality product is being ignored.Don't forget you can dive deep in my wallet only when you give me VALUE and my value is not shopping points, discounts and targeted offers but the experience to purchase decent designs and labels along with sufficient variety to choose from and obviously at a justified prices. May be you can take some investments off those complex analytic algorithms and pass on the benefit to me as a customer by keeping products of my choice and focusing on your PRODUCT first. Thanks!!


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