I wanted to Live :(

Our city Dilwaalo ki Delhi has been witness to continuous torture, disrespect and discrimination against women, but one night of Dec 16 2012 this city witnessed a horrific crime of gang rape and immense brutality against a young girl.The city woke up to grief and shock at the extent to which animal instincts can take over some men who can treat a living human being like trash.The girl who just ran into immense bad luck that she and her friend boarded a charted bus unaware of what life has in store for them.Whole city felt the pain, grief and anger imagining the fate the girl had gone through.She battled for 13 days...battled against all hopes because she wanted to live, she wanted to live for her parents, for her brothers and to enjoy the whole life ahead, to live the dreams she had treasured and worked towards in last 23 years of her life...she so much wanted to live.But some men just took her life away, for a momentary joy ride, for a thrill ? My heart goes out at what she would have suffered in last days of her life.She clinically died on 29th Dec in Singapore..and official statement mentioned "Patient died peacefully.." never has word peaceful been used so inappropriately.How peaceful it can be when you know you are leaving all behind, when you can no longer fulfil promises you made to yourself because your life only is going away.A beautiful young soul couldn't see a new year because some cheap men decided or just felt that way.Just pray such evil creatures should be eliminated and no mercy be shown towards them.World wouldn't have ended on 22 Dec 2012 as predicted but humanity has ended for sure..may be that's what it meant !


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